With a healthy splash of beauty, faith, and hope, we want to demonstrate how a “better together” lifestyle can help families to experience real freedom and success in all areas of life!
Let's Keep in Touch...
Better Together
Can a husband and wife work together, side by side, and experience true oneness in all of life?
James and Stacy McDonald have been an incredible example of leadership. They are continually growing personally to set the bar higher for those they work with...

It's been such a benefit to our personal development as leaders, and as Believers, to have James & Stacy lead us with unwavering values and ethics.

It was through James & Stacy's team that we learned new ways to help our family support our wellness and because of their leadership we are realizing our dream of abundance!

Through James and Stacy’s prayerful coaching and guidance, my leadership skills have grown in many different areas, and our business has grown with a strong and solid foundation.

About Us
James and Stacy each have their strengths and weaknesses, and they can say without a doubt that God placed them together for a purpose…to be “better together”